2021 Big Boom Bash 3 July

Another Peavine day of freedom!

An all new lineup of returning musicians for this Welcome Back! show.  The usual good times available for all.

Schedule listed below (times are estimates).

As usual it’s your basic picnic bbq potluck grassy gnoll sort of rock and roll show.  All donations go to the musicians.  We recommend $20 per person.  Probably they will have stuff you can buy as well.  I’ll post some links here and there below.

I will be making my usual (unusual) pork loin.  Please do make comments here about what you are bringing so not everyone brings kale and quinoa salad.  I mean, many of you COULD bring salad.  But someone should probably bring something to go with it.  What’s your preferred potluck portable comestible?

Questions?  Ask them below or message one of the moderators!I’ll put together a schedule soon, but let’s name-drop for now:  Jeffrey Martin Sheryl Wiser Jared Mitchell Earl Brooks

Welcome back, Earl Brooks!  Tell us how many punk rock songs per unit of time.
Welcome back, Earl Brooks!  Tell us how many punk rock songs per unit of time.
Welcome back, Sheryl Wiser!  We will listen with our eyes open.
Welcome back, Sheryl Wiser!  We will listen with our eyes open.
Welcome back, Jared Mitchell!  Where them wingtips?
Welcome back, Jared Mitchell!  Where them wingtips?
Welcome back, pork loin!  You wonderful magical one.
Welcome back, pork loin!  You wonderful magical one.
Welcome back, Harry Oesterreicher!  And all the hardworking helper monkees.
Welcome back, Harry Oesterreicher!  And all the hardworking helper monkees.
Welcome back, Box of Discarded Sunglasses!  How you came is a mystery.
Welcome back, Box of Discarded Sunglasses!  How you came is a mystery.
Welcome back, climate control!  We missed you most of all!
Welcome back, climate control!  We missed you most of all!
Welcome back, all of you.  You make this all happen.
Welcome back, all of you.  You make this all happen.

What to bring?

Seating:  Camping chair, blanket, or similar.  I have some to share.

Potluck:  Can you make that thing you always love to make?  That would be great for sharing!  There is a grill available.  If you have any special kitchen needs, send Jimmy a message or ask here.

Bevs:  If you can sip it, it’s good.  Share if you’d like.  I always make iced-tea.

Friends:  Cool friends are great.  You want to invite a posse?  Talk to Jimmy.

Pets:  My cat has total dominion over the yard and is restricted by a 28 foot retractable leash.  Fucking with the cat is a no-no.  That is the most important pet rule.

Money:  The show is free but you will likely want to donate to the musicians (usually $20 per person and maybe buy some merchandise).

Love:  Bring it!  Bring it all!

Shirts and shoes required?  They’re not even recommended!

Schedule Roughly Approximate
15:00 Peavine Gates Open (bring your goodies to the table and get a spot on the grass).
16:00 Earl Brooks will dazzle us
16:45 Jeffrey Martin will amaze us
17:30 Sheryl Wiser will sparkle our eyes
18:15 Jared Mitchell will wing us into the evening
19:00 whatever we want to do time
(We can do a movie after dusk if there is enough interest.)

Pork loin brine: lime juice and salt.
Ribs: sous vide 24 hours at 137f.
Ribs: salt, white pepper, cayenne, paprika, cloves, cinnamon.
Loin: salt, white pepper, cayenne, sumac, cardamom, mustard, cumin, nutmeg.

Loin Brined and Spiced
Loin Brined and Spiced
Sous Vide Ribs with Spices
Sous Vide Ribs with Spices
Loin of love.
Loin of love.
Loin of love.
Loin of love.
Loin of love.
Loin of love.
What a crowd!
What a crowd!

All event day donations go to the musicians!  https://www.gofundme.com/f/peavine-alley

Thank you thank you thank you!  Thanks to everyone who participates in these events.  This was our best Independence Day celebration yet.  At least fifty-five humans in attendance.  Excellent food.  Supreme music.  Perfect weather.  Who could ask for a better holiday?


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