Boss Level Movie Night

Boss Level
Boss Level
Boss Level
Boss Level

Boss Level trailer:

All of a sudden we are having another movie night because Jenny Bagby and Jeff Allen missed Deadpool (though he says he watched both remotely) and they are in town now. Tomorrow night!

Tonight! Making ratatouille and grilling ribs.

Thanks for a fun spontaneous movie night. One of my favorite recent science fiction films. See you at the next one.


Double Deadpool Movie Night

Deadpool double-feature in preparation for the release of Deadpool 3.

We will start the movie as soon as light permits (sunset is 21:04). Mostly snack food at those hours I would guess, but anyone who wants to come bbq/grill before the show I’ll be here all evening (hence the 19:00 start time).


About three weeks for this movie night. The more we interact on this Event the more likely our Fb group members will be to see it exists. Surely it’s better they see this Event than that they see yet another vitriolic bot post?!

Here is the trailer for Deadpool (where it all started):

And here is the trailer for DP2:

Everyone loves popcorn! I have a proper machine.

Popcorn Monkey
Popcorn Monkey
More Popcorn Monkeys
More Popcorn Monkeys

I have some hotdogs but no buns. If I can muster the energy I can make a cobbler.

I kinda followed the four steps. Sorta? Maybe? But you know what I didn’t do? I didn’t put the ambient lighting next to the projector screen!

Seriously, don’t put lighting near the projector screen. Who does that?

Bad Lighting from the Web
Bad Lighting from the Web

See, no lighting near the screen. Professionals.

Not Bad Lighting from the Web
Not Bad Lighting from the Web

Oh, my mint is full and lush. With a bit of labor mojitos can be had.

The high for Saturday is predicted at 82f so we should have a perfect night weather.

Zucchini are coming in, could make ratatouille?

Taptaptap. Is this thing on?

Come join us tonight for this epic double-feature! If I get enough humans committed I will make ratatouille, but I need to know early since it takes all day to make (to cook down). RSVP!

Things you might bring: vanilla ice cream (for the cobbler), crusty bread (for the ratatouille), paper bowls, hotdog buns. Or anything you like.

Thanks to those who came for the double-feature (only two people left after the first film). Great night with perfect weather and food and friends. Hope everyone got enough popcorn! Thanks to Patrick Gaillard for grabbing ice cream for the cobbler and thanks to Rachel Hartley for a nice bottle of red.

Good times!

What should our next movie be? (I know Robert Hartley is keen on Hundreds of Beavers.)


Sat 6 Jul Big Boom Bash

Another Peavine day of freedom!  Five acts and good times available for all.

As usual it’s your basic picnic bbq potluck grassy gnoll sort of rock and roll show.  All donations go to the musicians.  We recommend $20-25 per person.  Probably the players will have stuff you can buy as well.  I’ll post some links here and there below.

I will be making my usual (unusual) pork loin.  Please do make comments here about what you are bringing so not everyone brings kale and quinoa cobbler.  Someone should probably bring something to go with it.

What’s your preferred potluck portable comestible?

Questions?  Ask them below or message one of the moderators!

Peavine Alley
Peavine Alley
Big Boom Bash
Big Boom Bash

I have a great line-up planned and am reaching out for confirmations for this one!

About two weeks for this second show of summer. The more we interact on this Event the more likely our Fb group members will be to see it exists. Surely it’s better they see this Event than that they see yet another vitriolic bot post?!

14:00 Gates
15:00 Jerry Lewis
15:45 Rou Douggie
16:30 Birdie Fenn Cent
17:15 Luke Martin
18:00 Rio DeVoré & a Little More
18:45 whatever we want to do time!
Let me know if there are any questions or concerns.
(Tio Nachos House (Ricky Hoyos) had to cancel due to a family emergency.  We hope all goes as well as possible.)

Fb’s map is “locating” Peavine Alley as though it were Peavine Rd in Oregon. Fb sux! Use Google Maps.

One week + one day = Rock and Roll!

What’s it all about?  “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Pork loin day 1 of 3: The Brine!
20 juiced limes, salt, brown sugar, cloves

Are you planning something for the potluck? Let us know your plans!

It should be slightly hot tomorrow (83f predicted). My yard is mostly shaded through the hours of the show and I will have a kiddie pool available for cooling. It’s going to be amazing!

Pork loin day 2 of 3: Rub My Loin
salt, coriander, cloves, fennel seeds, smoked paprika, cayenne

Pork loin day 3 of 3: Slurry and Smoke
lime juice and honey and 8 hours of love

Miro Jugum, we miss you!

Invite your besties; bring your blankies; chill your brewskis; what’s a b word for potluck foods?

Jerry Lewis by Brenna Rae
Jerry Lewis by Brenna Rae
How to Keep Cool by Brenna Rae
How to Keep Cool by Brenna Rae
Roo Dee by Brenna Rae
Roo Dee by Brenna Rae
Birdie Fenn Cent by Brenna Rae
Birdie Fenn Cent by Brenna Rae
Luke Martin by Brenna Rae
Luke Martin by Brenna Rae
Rio DeVoré & a Little Moré by Brenna Rae
Rio DeVoré & a Little Moré by Brenna Rae
Rio DeVoré & a Little Moré by Brenna Rae
Rio DeVoré & a Little Moré by Brenna Rae
A Day of Peavine Freedom by Brenna Rae
A Day of Peavine Freedom by Brenna Rae
Roo Dee by Jerry Lewis
Roo Dee by Jerry Lewis
Birdie Fenn Cent by Jerry Lewis
Birdie Fenn Cent by Jerry Lewis
Bench Dwellers by Jerry Lewis
Bench Dwellers by Jerry Lewis
Peas in the Pod by Jerry Lewis
Peas in the Pod by Jerry Lewis
Peas in the Pod by Jerry Lewis
Peas in the Pod by Jerry Lewis

Thanks again for all who helped make this another wonder-filled afternoon of music and food. Thanks to all the musicians but especially to Jerry Lewis and Roo Dee who were able to fill last minute cancellation spots (and to Birdie Fenn Cent for the recommendation).

Thanks for the compliments on the pork; I’m pretty sure we are near to peak pork with that one.

Thanks for the salads and desserts and all those nibbles. It all helps to make these shows a day to remember.

See you at the next one, my fellow pod people. (The next one being tomorrow as I type this.)


Sat 15 Jun Mark Stuart 15:00

On 15 June we have a traveler from TN (Mark Stuart) stopping for a show; he comes highly recommended by Harry Oesterreicher (a personal favorite) and he’s a Tractor Tavern repeat defender.

Mark Stuart
Mark Stuart
Mark Stuart
Mark Stuart

After playing the Alley he’s heading to Klamath (13 hours of driving) for a show the following evening.  Rock and Roll!

Bring your friends, bring your families, bring your best potluck nibbles.  We are going to have a good time!

About five weeks for this first show of summer.  The more we interact on this Event the more likely our Fb group members will be to see it exists.  Surely it’s better they see this Event than that they see yet another vitriolic bot post?!

You might be asking yourself “Where in the world is Mark Stuart?”  I wonder if he’s been driving all night?  Life on the road, am I right?

Let’s check in with Mark Stuart and his journey across America, coming to join us!

We are under two weeks now.  What’s up with Mark Stuart?  Burned out tour van engine?  Airplane door fell off next your tour manager? Arrested for lewd behavior?

Sat-ur-day!  Sat-ur-day!  Peavine Alley is in Ballard and is easily located via Google Maps.  Park on the street and walk down the alley.  You cannot mistake us.  (If you’d rather enter from 24th, look for the orange porch light.)

Saturday is likely to be overcast here in Ballard with a high of maybe 60f. Sweater weather!  I’ll have my canopies in the wings in case, but rain seems unlikely.

Pork loin day 1 of 3:  The Brine!
16 juiced limes, salt, brown sugar, cloves

Pork loin day 2 of 3 (rub my loin):  salt, coriander, cloves, fennel seeds, smoked paprika, cayenne.

I expect rain.  I have 2 canopies and another on the way.  Wear layers!

The recommended donation is $25 per person, which entirely goes to Mark.  Give more your ship is in or whatever you are able if times are tough.

Peavine Alley is in Ballard and is easily located via Google Maps.  Park on the street and walk down the alley.  You cannot mistake us.

Nearly any question is answered here.

No rain; no storms!  Weather update all good!

Pork loin day 3 of 3:  slurry (lime juice and honey) and smoke (8 hours).

Thanks for another great show, everybody (and especially, of coure, Mark Stuart).  Also, special thanks to Bill Landon for the use of his 13×13 canopy:  huge.  We conquered the weather; we ate good food (especially deserts); and we enjoyed excellent music and music-related stories.  Summer season is officially opened.


In another study, reducing participants’ inhibition by getting them drunk also increased their rate of finger-pointing, a finding that explains why harmless bumps at the bar so easily escalate to inebriated brawls.  I often say that life would go a lot more smoothly if we just assumed people were idiots instead of assholes.

It’s worth remembering—whether you’re navigating rush-hour traffic or debating public policy—that even humans can be mindless sometimes.

–– Matthew Hutson from The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking p 192

Although to believe in karma (in this loose, Western sense, not the original reincarnation sense) is not necessarily to infer a gavel-wielding god meting out punishments and rewards, it does require at least an expansive notion of Newton’s third law of motion (every action has an equal and opposite reaction) in which moral force is registered alongside physical force.  However, there is a nonmagical analog of karma with very real dominion.  In the world of human relations, what goes around typically does come around.  People reciprocate kindness in kind.  And word and deed travel far, manifesting in mysterious ways.  So, as I like to picture myself as an old man telling my grandkids, don’t put shit on a boomerang.

–– Matthew Hutson from The 7 Laws of Magical Thinking p 228


Me-day B-day 2024, now with games!

We’ll play some games, eat some food (and cake!), and celebrate my birth. Who could ask for more? Details to follow.

I have stuff to make lasagna.


What would you like to bring? I have red sauce and am considering lasagna.


BL has asked what he should bring to the party.

I suppose some of the things that would be nice would be salad, crusty bread (no plastic bags!), brie, red wine, fruit, various nibbles.

Just talk to each other so we don’t end up with seven pounds of brie and no bread.  I don’t smear myself in brie any more.  Dark days.

Also mmm…
Also mmm…

This morning, after my walk, the shredding begins!

Almost done!
Almost done!

Thanks to each of you who came around to wish me a happy birthday.  I genuinely appreciate your visits.
