15 Authors of Influence

Two of my friends have prodded me with this one, so I have given in to the pressure.  I hope you find benefit in my list.  Ask me in ten years and the list may change.  Who can say?

  1. E E Cummings (if ever there were a god made flesh…)
  2. Hemmingway (especially Old Man and the Sea)
  3. Henry Miller (especially Sexus)
  4. Gertrude Stein (especially The Autobiography of Alice B Toklas)
  5. Benjamin Franklin (the word autobiography was coined to explain what he’d written)
  6. Walter Kaufmann (premier Nietzscheian scholar and his Critique of Religion and Philosophy is amazing)
  7. Anaïs Nin (especially the five novels in her so-called continuous novel)
  8. Harlan Ellison
  9. Erich Fromm (ostensibly a psychologist; you can start with You Shall Be as Gods)
  10. Charles Bukowski
  11. Edna St Vincent Millay (especially her poem Renascence)
  12. Jean Baudrillard (French phenomenological philosopher)
  13. Donald Barthelme (excellent short story writer)
  14. Woody Allen (he has written many short stories as well as all those screenplays and stage plays)
  15. Stan Lee (nuff said)

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