Good-Night Movie Night Saturday Night

Last (and only) movie night of the summer backyard this year.  Sorry about the short notice but the weather has been sketchy.  Saturday is going to be nice:  sunny and nice during the day, so dry and temperate in the dark.

18:00 optional grilling hour
19:00 Find spot on grass and squint at invisible cartoons
20:00 Guardians of the Galaxy
22:00 (or so) World’s End
00:00 lots of hugs

I have popcorn on demand, hot dogs and sticks and fire, sangria, and iced tea.  There are rumors of cake.  There will be a nice table for shared nibbles.

Put your questions to me.  See you near sunset.

No, I will not be showing a musical this Saturday. Though it is tempting…

Yes, periodic napping during the films is allowed.

Sangria is macerating:  4 bottles of decent cab s, 2 angelo pears, 1 gorgeous peach, and 2 gorgeous plums (seriously beautiful specimens).

If you would like to grill some food, you may want to get here a little early.  Just let me know so I’m ready for you.

Yes, you can bring your cool friends.  Give me a shout if you have questions.

Iced tea is in the sun and the sangria is pretty much ready.  See you in this evening.

The famous “What to Bring” post.

1.  something to sit upon (camp chair, chaise lounge, Persian rug)
2.  something to keep you warm (coat, blanket, hookers, rum)
3.  snacks (more below)
4.  sips (more below)

I will have my chiminea burning and I have hotdog sticks (and dogs).  I also have my gas grill available (and a full kitchen for that matter).  These can all be put at your disposal if you’d like to prepare something.

I also have a full-on popcorn machine.  How much popcorn we can make is only limited by how much time I have between doing other things and whether anyone else knows how to use the thing (they are pretty simple but require some skill).

I’m making sangria.

Others are encouraged to bring things and to post what they are bringing here (so we don’t end up with 37 varieties of carnitas and seven buckets of vodka—too much of a good thing to be sure).

There is plenty of room on the grass for folks to plant a blanket or a chair.  I have several chairs but if you have one, please consider bringing it.  Same for warming blankets:  I have several but please consider bringing something.  It will get chillier as the evening progresses.

My hookah will be set up in the corner.  It uses Arabic tobacco (tobacco with molasses, spices, and fruit).  Smokers of other varieties should be considerate of the air space of others (hence the hookah is in the corner).

Um, what else?  Probably other stuff.  Post your questions and I will answer them.

Donations are accepted but never required (they help me pay for bulbs and movies and propane and popcorn).  I’d rather have you here for free than not here because you didn’t have a couple of extra dollars.  (And I usually forget to pass the tip jar around anyway.)

Getting down to the wire.  Starting to haul things into the yard.  Better to call me at this point since I may or may not see Fb.  Also, does anyone have charcoal for a hookah?  I’m apparently out.

Starting first film (Guardians of the Galaxy) in five.

Second movie will be more like half past ten.  Lots of popcorn available!

Second movie (World’s End) in five.

Good-Night Movie Night Saturday Night

Rain?  Ok.  Did not see that coming.

Thanks, everyone, for coming out and enjoying this double-feature under the black blanket of night.  We sneaked this in like threading a needle, apparently.


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