Sat 6 Jul Big Boom Bash

Another Peavine day of freedom!  Five acts and good times available for all.

As usual it’s your basic picnic bbq potluck grassy gnoll sort of rock and roll show.  All donations go to the musicians.  We recommend $20-25 per person.  Probably the players will have stuff you can buy as well.  I’ll post some links here and there below.

I will be making my usual (unusual) pork loin.  Please do make comments here about what you are bringing so not everyone brings kale and quinoa cobbler.  Someone should probably bring something to go with it.

What’s your preferred potluck portable comestible?

Questions?  Ask them below or message one of the moderators!

Peavine Alley
Peavine Alley
Big Boom Bash
Big Boom Bash

I have a great line-up planned and am reaching out for confirmations for this one!

About two weeks for this second show of summer. The more we interact on this Event the more likely our Fb group members will be to see it exists. Surely it’s better they see this Event than that they see yet another vitriolic bot post?!

14:00 Gates
15:00 Jerry Lewis
15:45 Rou Douggie
16:30 Birdie Fenn Cent
17:15 Luke Martin
18:00 Rio DeVoré & a Little More
18:45 whatever we want to do time!
Let me know if there are any questions or concerns.
(Tio Nachos House (Ricky Hoyos) had to cancel due to a family emergency.  We hope all goes as well as possible.)

Fb’s map is “locating” Peavine Alley as though it were Peavine Rd in Oregon. Fb sux! Use Google Maps.

One week + one day = Rock and Roll!

What’s it all about?  “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Pork loin day 1 of 3: The Brine!
20 juiced limes, salt, brown sugar, cloves

Are you planning something for the potluck? Let us know your plans!

It should be slightly hot tomorrow (83f predicted). My yard is mostly shaded through the hours of the show and I will have a kiddie pool available for cooling. It’s going to be amazing!

Pork loin day 2 of 3: Rub My Loin
salt, coriander, cloves, fennel seeds, smoked paprika, cayenne

Pork loin day 3 of 3: Slurry and Smoke
lime juice and honey and 8 hours of love

Miro Jugum, we miss you!

Invite your besties; bring your blankies; chill your brewskis; what’s a b word for potluck foods?

Jerry Lewis by Brenna Rae
Jerry Lewis by Brenna Rae
How to Keep Cool by Brenna Rae
How to Keep Cool by Brenna Rae
Roo Dee by Brenna Rae
Roo Dee by Brenna Rae
Birdie Fenn Cent by Brenna Rae
Birdie Fenn Cent by Brenna Rae
Luke Martin by Brenna Rae
Luke Martin by Brenna Rae
Rio DeVoré & a Little Moré by Brenna Rae
Rio DeVoré & a Little Moré by Brenna Rae
Rio DeVoré & a Little Moré by Brenna Rae
Rio DeVoré & a Little Moré by Brenna Rae
A Day of Peavine Freedom by Brenna Rae
A Day of Peavine Freedom by Brenna Rae
Roo Dee by Jerry Lewis
Roo Dee by Jerry Lewis
Birdie Fenn Cent by Jerry Lewis
Birdie Fenn Cent by Jerry Lewis
Bench Dwellers by Jerry Lewis
Bench Dwellers by Jerry Lewis
Peas in the Pod by Jerry Lewis
Peas in the Pod by Jerry Lewis
Peas in the Pod by Jerry Lewis
Peas in the Pod by Jerry Lewis

Thanks again for all who helped make this another wonder-filled afternoon of music and food. Thanks to all the musicians but especially to Jerry Lewis and Roo Dee who were able to fill last minute cancellation spots (and to Birdie Fenn Cent for the recommendation).

Thanks for the compliments on the pork; I’m pretty sure we are near to peak pork with that one.

Thanks for the salads and desserts and all those nibbles. It all helps to make these shows a day to remember.

See you at the next one, my fellow pod people. (The next one being tomorrow as I type this.)


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