Double Deadpool Movie Night

Deadpool double-feature in preparation for the release of Deadpool 3.

We will start the movie as soon as light permits (sunset is 21:04). Mostly snack food at those hours I would guess, but anyone who wants to come bbq/grill before the show I’ll be here all evening (hence the 19:00 start time).


About three weeks for this movie night. The more we interact on this Event the more likely our Fb group members will be to see it exists. Surely it’s better they see this Event than that they see yet another vitriolic bot post?!

Here is the trailer for Deadpool (where it all started):

And here is the trailer for DP2:

Everyone loves popcorn! I have a proper machine.

Popcorn Monkey
Popcorn Monkey
More Popcorn Monkeys
More Popcorn Monkeys

I have some hotdogs but no buns. If I can muster the energy I can make a cobbler.

I kinda followed the four steps. Sorta? Maybe? But you know what I didn’t do? I didn’t put the ambient lighting next to the projector screen!

Seriously, don’t put lighting near the projector screen. Who does that?

Bad Lighting from the Web
Bad Lighting from the Web

See, no lighting near the screen. Professionals.

Not Bad Lighting from the Web
Not Bad Lighting from the Web

Oh, my mint is full and lush. With a bit of labor mojitos can be had.

The high for Saturday is predicted at 82f so we should have a perfect night weather.

Zucchini are coming in, could make ratatouille?

Taptaptap. Is this thing on?

Come join us tonight for this epic double-feature! If I get enough humans committed I will make ratatouille, but I need to know early since it takes all day to make (to cook down). RSVP!

Things you might bring: vanilla ice cream (for the cobbler), crusty bread (for the ratatouille), paper bowls, hotdog buns. Or anything you like.

Thanks to those who came for the double-feature (only two people left after the first film). Great night with perfect weather and food and friends. Hope everyone got enough popcorn! Thanks to Patrick Gaillard for grabbing ice cream for the cobbler and thanks to Rachel Hartley for a nice bottle of red.

Good times!

What should our next movie be? (I know Robert Hartley is keen on Hundreds of Beavers.)


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