The Great Gort Movie Night Reunion

Carl Gort and family will be in the Seattle area for (approximately) the month of August.  He would like to get together for a movie night with many of his old chums and perhaps a few new friends.

Let’s be very potlucky!  What better way to alleviate the awkward lagging conversations than to talk about your recipe?

As usual, I will have both my chiminea burning and my gas grill available for cooking.  I have lots of cooking equipment at my disposal, so feel free to get in touch with me if you had any particular requirements.

Also, the usual note applies.  If you have a favorite camping chair or blanket for laying out in the grass, please bring it along.  I imagine it will still be pretty warm at night, but you may as well bring a jacket along to ward off any chills.

If you have any questions, please ask Lisa Goshorn, Tami Wolff, or me (I can’t tag myself).  My contact information is on my About page here on Fb.

We are looking forward to seeing all of you.

Films TBD.  (One of them may well be The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension.)

I will send out invitations soon.  Look for yours at an inbox near you!

RED is another possible movie.  I’m so pleased they are making a sequel.

This is about a week and a half away.  Are there any thoughts about food?  I’ll be making some sort of fire-roasted meat, I suppose.

Hooray for today!  See you all soon. Remember, my address and telephone are on my About page here on Facebook.  You should call me if you need anything as I will not likely be back on Facebook before the show tonight (19:00 hours!—that’s 7 PM).

The Great Gort Movie Night Reunion

What a great evening with friends.  We watched some Brothers Quay and then Buckaroo Banzai.  For those interested in such matters, it was flank steak coated in salt, cayenne, and Spanish paprika and boneless leg of lamb stuffed with (from my garden) rosemary, thyme, and mint and (not from my garden) ginger in syrup.  Both were prepared using my chiminea (the lamb down the throat and the steak grilled on top).  Thanks to everyone who brought anything, and thanks to everyone for coming.


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